Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The logon screen turns black after you press CTRL+ALT+DELETE

Today i logged in to a server and this is what i saw:


Microsoft has an article on this matter:

I have no clue what caused this, however the resolution is simple. Import the following .reg file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 

[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Colors] 
"ActiveBorder"="212 208 200" 
"ActiveTitle"="10 36 106" 
"AppWorkSpace"="128 128 128" 
"Background"="102 111 116" 
"ButtonAlternateFace"="181 181 181" 
"ButtonDkShadow"="64 64 64" 
"ButtonFace"="212 208 200" 
"ButtonHilight"="255 255 255" 
"ButtonLight"="212 208 200" 
"ButtonShadow"="128 128 128" 
"ButtonText"="0 0 0" 
"GradientActiveTitle"="166 202 240" 
"GradientInactiveTitle"="192 192 192" 
"GrayText"="128 128 128" 
"Hilight"="10 36 106" 
"HilightText"="255 255 255" 
"HotTrackingColor"="0 0 128" 
"InactiveBorder"="212 208 200" 
"InactiveTitle"="128 128 128" 
"InactiveTitleText"="212 208 200" 
"InfoText"="0 0 0" 
"InfoWindow"="255 255 225" 
"Menu"="212 208 200" 
"MenuText"="0 0 0" 
"Scrollbar"="212 208 200" 
"TitleText"="255 255 255" 
"Window"="255 255 255" 
"WindowFrame"="0 0 0" 
"WindowText"="0 0 0"

Big thanks to my friend at Tech Notes for helping me out so quickly.