Where as Windows has many many cloning tools (e.g. Ghost), for linux cloning isn’t quite common.
Yesterday i needed to migrate an installation to another server. First make sure that you compile all the things you need in your current kernel.
With a Iinux live cd I created a backup of my boot partition (/dev/sda1) to a file on a usb disk (mounted as /backup)
dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/backup/sda1.dd
Then i wanted to restore it to another machine with a different partition size.
Here’s how:
- partition your new harddisk
- create an ext3 filesystem on your new boot partition
- mount your usb disk as /backup
- mount the backup file as /backupsda1
mount -o loop -t ext3 /backup/sda1.dd /backupsda1
- mount the newly created boot partition as /mnt
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
- copy all files to the new partition
cd /backupsda1 rsync -av * /mnt/
- mount proc and dev to your new partition
mount -t proc none /mnt/proc mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
- chroot to your new installation
chroot /mnt
- reinstall the bootloader (grub)
grub-install /dev/sda
That’s it!
if your previous installation has an older version of grub, you might need to create your filesystem with a smaller inode size, otherwise grub won’t function correctly:
mkfs.ext3 -I 128 /dev/sda1