All those ways to get the size of directories with powershell are extremely slow. Especially on network shares.
$colItems = (Get-ChildItem C:Scripts | Measure-Object -property length -sum) "{0:N2}" -f ($colItems.sum / 1MB) + " MB"
Currently i’m harvesting through roughly 40TB of data and it’s taking me daaaaaaaaaays!
So i’m in desperate need of something faster.
Then i thought about robocopy. Robocopy gives great statistics. So if i do a “dry-run” (list-only, not really copy), i might get the information i need by parsing the output.
Choice of switches:
- /b = backup mode. Supposed to give me access to every file
- /l = list only/dry-run, not really doing the copy
- /mir = action what you would normally do when you would copy the data. This also dives into all subdirectories.
- /r:0 = no retries
- /w:0 = don’t wait on anything
- /ns /nc /nfl /ndl /njh = no logging of any kind. We only want the summary.
Then we get this piece of code (it could be a lot shorter, but i’m keeping it readable):
function get_size_of_dir_in_bytes_with_robocopy ($directory) { write-host "- $directory" -foreground "GREEN" [string]$result = robocopy /b /l /mir "$directory" "c:\whatever" /r:0 /w:0 /ns /nc /nfl /ndl /njh /bytes if (!($lastexitcode -eq 16)) { $pos = ($result).indexof("Bytes : ") $start = $pos + 8 $length = $result.length $end = $length - $start $newstring = ($result).substring($start,$end) $newstring = $newstring.trim() echo $newstring.split()[0] } else { echo "CANNOT ACCESS" } }