This week i was copying large amounts of data to a Maxtor USB disk using the midnight commander. While the midnight commander was gathering information about the amounts of data to be processed (taking at least 20 minutes or more), the usb disk was going into standby mode.
By the time it was ready and wanted to start copying data, i got all kinds of i/o errors on /dev/sdb (the usb disk).
So i did a filesystem check on the usb disk and started over again. The same happened.
Then it occured to me: the usb disk was going to standby mode. It will come back alive whenever the OS wants to read or write data, but it takes too long resulting in i/o errors.
This command prevents the disk from going to standby mode:
sdparm --clear STANDBY -6 /dev/sdb
Today i played around with some usb disks that don’t support the command above, so i had to dig further.
Seems like i missed this option in my (custom compiled) kernel: ” [*] USB selective suspend/resume and wakeup “. This is actually the real fix.