Currently, Exchange 2010 SP1 is still in beta. Among other new features it’s not longer necessary to install Outlook 2010 (64 bit!!) on your Exchange 2010 server.
For now you have to.
To import or export .pst files you need to get the right Role Assignment. From the Exchange Management Shell:
New-ManagementRoleAssignment –Role “Mailbox Import Export” –User “Administrator”
Then it’s just a matter of:
Export-Mailbox Administrator -PSTFolderPath E:\
If you have all the roles (Mailbox, Client Access and Hub Transport) on the same server, you’ll run into error:
Error occurred in the step: Approving object. An unknown error has occurred., error code: -2147221219
- Either move the Mailbox (+Outlook 2010 64bit) to a second Exchange server.
- Or change the following:
- adsiedit
- connect to..
- Well known Naming Context: Configuration
- CN=Configuration,DC=your,DC=domain,DC=local
- CN=Services,
- CN=Microsoft Exchange,
- CN=<Your Organization Name>,
- CN=Administrative Groups,
- CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),
- CN=Databases,
- CN=Mailbox Database 0123456789,
- Now rightclick on “CN=Mailbox Database 0123456789” (left pane), properties
- security tab
- Grant the System user the following rights: Read, Administer information store, Allow Impersonation to Personal Exchange, Create named properties in the information store, Open mail send queue, Receive as, Send as, View information store status
- Restart
This should be fixed in SP1 or even before that.