Wednesday, August 25, 2010

powershell - import .pst files in exchange 2010

I haven’t figured out how to get proper resultcodes or errorhandling from the “Import-Mailbox” command, but you can use your transcript file for that. See my other post for that.

You’ll need some global vars, e.g.:

$folder_with_psts="C:\exmerge\primary database export files"

Then it’s as simple as this:

function import_mailboxes()
  $UserDetails=Import-Csv -delimiter ";" $your_import_file
  foreach($UD in $UserDetails)
    $full_path_to_pst=$folder_with_psts + $username + ".pst"
    $FileExists = Test-Path $full_path_to_pst
    if ($FileExists)
      write-host "$count - $username - Ready to import ($full_path_to_pst)" -ForegroundColor Green
      Import-Mailbox -Identity $username -PSTFolderPath $folder_with_psts
      write-host "$count - $username - No matching pst file found!" -ForegroundColor Red
  write-host "Summary: Found (and hopefully successfully imported): $found, Not Found: $notfound"