Friday, October 29, 2010

Import .pst files in Exchange 2010 SP1

SP1 for Exchange 2010 has a new approach for importing .pst files.
First of all make sure the group “Exchange Trusted Subsystem” has NTFS permissions on the folder which contains all the .pst files.
Second, make sure this folder has been shared. Exchange only accepts unc paths.
Third, you have to make a new role assignment to a security group.
Create a universal group called “Mailbox Import Export Access” in active directory and add the user who’s going to do the export. Next, from the Exchange Management Shell:

New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name "Mailbox Import Export Access" -SecurityGroup "Mailbox Import Export Access" -Role "Mailbox Import Export"

All the preparations have been made.

To queue (yes queue!) the import for a user:

New-MailboxImportRequest -Mailbox p.puk -FilePath "\\FS01\data\Backup Mailbox (PST)\p.puk.pst"

You can repeat the line for other users or pipe a list of users to build a bigger queue.

The following command shows the queue and the status of all imports:



get-mailboximportrequest | fl filepath,status

One drawback so far:
I haven’t been able to find a way to set the locale by default (was possible with non-SP1 by typing

-locale "nl-NL"

for Dutch users) which is really annoying since users will end up with “Inbox” instead of “Postvak In”, “Sent Items” instead of “Verzonden Items”, etc.
This can be overcome by logging in to the webmail before starting the import and set the default language from there (first question asked when logging in). But that’s still annoying.

Update 2011/03/25
I haven’t been able to test it yet but running the following command prior to the import might do the trick ….

Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration p.puk -Language "nl-NL" -DateFormat "dd-MM-yyyy" -LocalizeDefaultFolderName:$true

or for all mailboxes

get-mailbox | set-mailboxregionalconfiguration -Language nl-NL -DateFormat "dd-MM-yyyy" -LocalizeDefaultFolderName:$true