Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Windows 7 as wifi hotspot

Start your Network and Sharing center from the Control Panel

  1. Create a virtual wifi adapter. From an elevated dos prompt:
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=mobile_hotspot key=password keyUsage=persistent

    In the Network and Sharing center, you’ll notice a new wireless connection, the default name will probably be “Wireless Network Connection 2”. Remember this, you’ll need it in step 2

  2. Choose a network connection you want to share, e.g. your Local Area Network Connection. Choose properties, the Sharing tab and enable the “Allow other network users …”.
    Select the “Wireless Network Connection 2” (or something else from step 1) as Home networking connection.

  3. Start the wifi hotspot. From an elevated dos prompt:
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Remember, the wifi hotspot will not start by default, so create a shortcut somewhere. Make sure you enable the “Run as administrator” in the shortcut property.