ping servername.domain.local -n 1 >NUL if NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 GOTO OFFLINE call \\servername.domain.local\share\Extra_Login_Stuff.bat :OFFLINE
Friday, December 20, 2013
Batchfile loginscript domain check
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Powershell IP address computations
Very neat function for powershell ip computations:
source: technet
function Get-IPrange { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the IP addresses in a range .EXAMPLE Get-IPrange -start -end .EXAMPLE Get-IPrange -ip -mask .EXAMPLE Get-IPrange -ip -cidr 24 #> param ( [string]$start, [string]$end, [string]$ip, [string]$mask, [int]$cidr ) function IP-toINT64 () { param ($ip) $octets = $ip.split(".") return [int64]([int64]$octets[0]*16777216 +[int64]$octets[1]*65536 +[int64]$octets[2]*256 +[int64]$octets[3]) } function INT64-toIP() { param ([int64]$int) return (([math]::truncate($int/16777216)).tostring()+"."+([math]::truncate(($int%16777216)/65536)).tostring()+"."+([math]::truncate(($int%65536)/256)).tostring()+"."+([math]::truncate($int%256)).tostring() ) } if ($ip) {$ipaddr = [Net.IPAddress]::Parse($ip)} if ($cidr) {$maskaddr = [Net.IPAddress]::Parse((INT64-toIP -int ([convert]::ToInt64(("1"*$cidr+"0"*(32-$cidr)),2)))) } if ($mask) {$maskaddr = [Net.IPAddress]::Parse($mask)} if ($ip) {$networkaddr = new-object net.ipaddress ($maskaddr.address -band $ipaddr.address)} if ($ip) {$broadcastaddr = new-object net.ipaddress (([]::parse("").address -bxor $maskaddr.address -bor $networkaddr.address))} if ($ip) { $startaddr = IP-toINT64 -ip $networkaddr.ipaddresstostring $endaddr = IP-toINT64 -ip $broadcastaddr.ipaddresstostring } else { $startaddr = IP-toINT64 -ip $start $endaddr = IP-toINT64 -ip $end } for ($i = $startaddr; $i -le $endaddr; $i++) { INT64-toIP -int $i } }
Thursday, November 7, 2013
linux force reboot
Saved my day today
echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger
Friday, November 1, 2013
Ubuntu homedir encryption and auto unmounting
Encrypting your homedirectory is generally not a bad idea.
With Ubuntu’s implementation it’s working out of the box.
However, if you are running processes from a “screen” and these processes require data from your homedirectory, they will fail whenever you log out from your ssh session.
It’s because your homedirectory will auto-unmount whenever you log out (eventhough the screen will continue to run).
To NOT auto-unmount your homedirectory, you can remove or rename the following file:
Friday, July 12, 2013
Ubuntu LTS and HP ProLiantSupportPack (pt2)
I’ve allready explained this before but some minor things changed.
Here’s how:
- wget
- chmod +x
- ./ -v mcp
Not sure if this is still needed (it was allready present at my test system)
- wget
- apt-key add GPG-KEY-mcp
Followed by:
- apt-get update
- apt-get install hpacucli
Monday, May 13, 2013
Dump Exchange mailbox permissions
A complete script to first dump all exchange mailboxes to .csv and then enumerate all mailbox permissions.
It uses the Exchange 2010 management shell and Quest’s Active Directory Powershell modules.
- Load the script in the ISE editor.
- Set the two global parameters
- Run the script
- first execute: dump_mailboxes (this wil generate a .csv with all mailboxes)
- then execuite: dump_all_mailbox_permission (this will generate a second .csv with all permissions. Open in Excel to filter)
echo "-" $global_ad_domain = "AD.CUSTOMER.LOCAL" $global_ad_short = "AD" ### Load Modules for Active Directory and Exchange 2010 if (!($QUEST_LOADED)) { Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement Set-QADPSSnapinSettings -DefaultSizeLimit 0 $logged_on_to = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN if (!($logged_on_to -eq "$global_ad_domain")) { $user = read-host "Enter username in adusername format" $pw = read-host "Enter password" -AsSecureString connect-QADService -service '$global_ad_domain' -ConnectionAccount $user -ConnectionPassword $pw } else { connect-QADService } Set-QADProgressPolicy -ShowProgress $false $QUEST_LOADED=$TRUE echo "quest loaded" } if ($EMS_loaded -eq $NULL) { . 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1' echo "- Exchange Management Shell Loaded" Connect-ExchangeServer -auto $EMS_loaded = $true echo "- Exchange Management Shell Connected" } ### Functions function dump_mailboxes { $output_file = "d:\temp\mailboxes.csv" echo "Name`tAlias" >$output_file # $mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails SharedMailbox $mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -resultsize Unlimited foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxes) { $Name = $mailbox.Name $Alias = $mailbox.Alias echo "$Name`t$Alias" >>$output_file } } function dump_all_mailbox_permission { $output_file = "d:\temp\mailbox_permissions.csv" $lijst = import-csv -delimiter "`t" d:\temp\mailboxes.csv $aantal = $lijst.count $teller = 0 write-host "Aantal functionele mailboxen: $aantal" echo "Mailbox`tAuthType`tGroup`tSam`tType" >$output_file foreach ($regel in $lijst) { $teller++ $Alias = $regel.alias write-host "$teller / $aantal -> $Alias" mailbox_permissions $Alias >>$output_file } } function mailbox_permissions($mailbox) { if ($perms = get-mailboxpermission -identity "$mailbox" | where {($_.isinherited -eq $false) -and ($_.User -like "$global_ad_short\*")}) { foreach ($perm in $perms) { $usr = $perm.User.tostring() $typeusr = (get-qadobject -identity $usr -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties).type $usr = $usr.replace("$global_ad_short","") $rights = $perm.AccessRights if ($typeusr -eq "group") { $members = get-qadgroupmember -identity "$usr" foreach ($member in $members) { $mbmrsam = $member.samaccountname echo "$mailbox`t$typeusr`t$usr`t$mbmrsam`t$rights" } } else { echo "$mailbox`t$typeusr`t`t$usr`t$rights" } } } } echo "-"
Monday, January 21, 2013
reset domain administrator password on a win2k8r2 DC
Forgot your domain admin password? Whoops.
On a Win2k8r2 domain controller:
- Boot with the installation media (or any other WinPE kind of media)
- Go to the System32 directory
ren utilman.exe utilman.exe.bak
copy cmd.exe utilman.exe
- Reboot the system
- At the logon screen, press Windows Key + U. A command prompt will start.
net user Administrator "!mynewpass123"
- Log in, start a command prompt.
del utilman.exe
copy utilman.exe.bak utilman.exe
done :-)
Friday, January 18, 2013
dns config on a domain controller (best practice)
Sometimes i tend to forget…
As a best practice on a domain controller, always add (locahost) as a DNS server, just not as the first entry!