In addition to the previous example it would be nice to create users from the .csv files.
You’ll need the Windows 2008 r2 ActiveDirectory module for this to work:
import-module ActiveDirectory
Also i have a couple of static variables:
$default_users_ou="OU=myusers," $ad_domain="my.domain.local" $share_profiles="\\fileserver01\profiles" $share_users="\\fileserver01\users" $homeshare_drive="Z:"
And here we go:
function add_user([string]$username, [string]$plaintextpassword, [string]$group, [string]$givenname, [string]$surname, [string]$displayname, [bool]$enabled) { # syntax: add_user f.deboer mypass$78 teacher "Boer, De" "Frank" "Boer, De, Frank" $true $check = get-aduser -Filter { samAccountName -eq $username } if($check -eq $null) { $user_password=ConvertTo-SecureString -string $plaintextpassword -asPlainText -Force $ad_user_path=$default_users_ou + (get-addomain).distinguishedname $loginscript=$group + ".bat" New-ADUser -Name $displayname -SamAccountName $username -UserPrincipal "$username@$ad_domain" -AccountPassword $user_password -CannotChangePassword $true -PasswordNeverExpires $true -Enabled $enabled -ProfilePath "$share_profiles\$username" -HomeDirectory $share_users\$username -HomeDrive $homeshare_drive -ScriptPath $loginscript -GivenName $givenname -Surname $surname -DisplayName $displayname -Path $ad_user_path write-host "- User Created - OK" -ForeGroundColor Green } else { write-host "- User allready exists" -ForeGroundColor Yellow } }