Again, you’ll need the Windows 2008 r2 ActiveDirectory module for this to work:
import-module ActiveDirectory
Some static variables:
And the functions:
function add_security_group([string]$StrGroupName) { $check = get-adgroup -Filter { name -eq $StrGroupName } if($check -eq $null) { $ad_path = $default_securitygroup_ou + (get-addomain).distinguishedname New-ADGroup -Path $ad_path -name $StrGroupName -GroupScope Global -GroupCategory Security write-host "- Security Group created - OK" -ForeGroundColor Green } else { write-host "- Security Group allready exists" -ForeGroundColor Yellow } } function add_user_to_group([string]$username, [string]$security_group) { $grp = get-adgroup -Filter { name -eq $security_group } if ($grp -eq $null) { write-host "- Security Group does not exist - ERROR" -ForeGroundColor Red } else { # group does exist, lets see if the users is allready a member $members = get-adgroupmember -Identity $security_group foreach ($mem in $members) { if($mem.samAccountName -eq $username) { $found = $true } } if ($found) { write-host "- User is allready a member of this Security Group - WARNING" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { add-adgroupmember -identity $security_group $username write-host "- User succesfully added to Security Group - OK" -ForegroundColor Green } } }