There are some key combo’s like ctr-alt-end that might work in an RDP session. However, there are some scenario’s (e.g. with a Mac) that make it complicated.
C:\Windows\explorer.exe shell:::{2559a1f2-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}
There are some key combo’s like ctr-alt-end that might work in an RDP session. However, there are some scenario’s (e.g. with a Mac) that make it complicated.
C:\Windows\explorer.exe shell:::{2559a1f2-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --ssl-key-log-file=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\keylog.txt
For some reason this pl2303 won’t even work on linux and thus requires Windows.
Even then, you need this fix anno 2023.
Executable is powershell.exe. Arguments:
-command "& { . "c:\location\to\script.ps1"; my_function_name }"
Powershell can be painfully slow when dealing with larger arrays, reading files and listing large directories. Here are some workarounds.
$myarray = @() foreach ($x in $y) { $myarray += $x }
Much faster is working with an arraylist:
$myarray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach ($x in $y) { $null = $procarray.Add($x) }
Reading files
get-content $filename
Listing large directories
$items = get-item "\\server\share\*.csv" | sort LastWriteTime
The fastest workaround i’ve been able to find is actually using a dos prompt. Use dir switches for sorting purposes.
Note: dir returns just text, while get-items returns objects with all sorts of properties. It depends on your use case whether this hack is actually usable or not.
$items = cmd /r dir "\\server\share\*.csv" /OD /B
When Windows 11 complains about your system not being compliant:
Go back and resume the installation again.
Reminder: Look in registry for EnableUPLS and set 1 to 0.
Quest active directory powershell module has this nice property for user and computer objects: ParentContainer
Microsoft’s native ActiveDirectory module doesn’t.
I’m using this property a lot because it looks much more friendly than the CanonicalName.
Here’s a simple function to achieve the same.
function CanonicalName_to_ParentContainer ($cname) { try { $lastslash = $cname.lastindexof("/") $cname.substring(0,$lastslash) } catch { $cname } }
My lifesaver:
create and chmod +x the file:
Add this code:
#! /bin/sh -e echo "Adding Windows" >&2 cat << EOF menuentry "Windows" { set root=(hd0,1) chainloader +1 } EOF
for grub2:
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub2.cfg
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
ping servername.domain.local -n 1 >NUL if NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==0 GOTO OFFLINE call \\servername.domain.local\share\Extra_Login_Stuff.bat :OFFLINE
Very neat function for powershell ip computations:
source: technet
function Get-IPrange { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the IP addresses in a range .EXAMPLE Get-IPrange -start -end .EXAMPLE Get-IPrange -ip -mask .EXAMPLE Get-IPrange -ip -cidr 24 #> param ( [string]$start, [string]$end, [string]$ip, [string]$mask, [int]$cidr ) function IP-toINT64 () { param ($ip) $octets = $ip.split(".") return [int64]([int64]$octets[0]*16777216 +[int64]$octets[1]*65536 +[int64]$octets[2]*256 +[int64]$octets[3]) } function INT64-toIP() { param ([int64]$int) return (([math]::truncate($int/16777216)).tostring()+"."+([math]::truncate(($int%16777216)/65536)).tostring()+"."+([math]::truncate(($int%65536)/256)).tostring()+"."+([math]::truncate($int%256)).tostring() ) } if ($ip) {$ipaddr = [Net.IPAddress]::Parse($ip)} if ($cidr) {$maskaddr = [Net.IPAddress]::Parse((INT64-toIP -int ([convert]::ToInt64(("1"*$cidr+"0"*(32-$cidr)),2)))) } if ($mask) {$maskaddr = [Net.IPAddress]::Parse($mask)} if ($ip) {$networkaddr = new-object net.ipaddress ($maskaddr.address -band $ipaddr.address)} if ($ip) {$broadcastaddr = new-object net.ipaddress (([]::parse("").address -bxor $maskaddr.address -bor $networkaddr.address))} if ($ip) { $startaddr = IP-toINT64 -ip $networkaddr.ipaddresstostring $endaddr = IP-toINT64 -ip $broadcastaddr.ipaddresstostring } else { $startaddr = IP-toINT64 -ip $start $endaddr = IP-toINT64 -ip $end } for ($i = $startaddr; $i -le $endaddr; $i++) { INT64-toIP -int $i } }
A complete script to first dump all exchange mailboxes to .csv and then enumerate all mailbox permissions.
It uses the Exchange 2010 management shell and Quest’s Active Directory Powershell modules.
echo "-" $global_ad_domain = "AD.CUSTOMER.LOCAL" $global_ad_short = "AD" ### Load Modules for Active Directory and Exchange 2010 if (!($QUEST_LOADED)) { Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement Set-QADPSSnapinSettings -DefaultSizeLimit 0 $logged_on_to = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN if (!($logged_on_to -eq "$global_ad_domain")) { $user = read-host "Enter username in adusername format" $pw = read-host "Enter password" -AsSecureString connect-QADService -service '$global_ad_domain' -ConnectionAccount $user -ConnectionPassword $pw } else { connect-QADService } Set-QADProgressPolicy -ShowProgress $false $QUEST_LOADED=$TRUE echo "quest loaded" } if ($EMS_loaded -eq $NULL) { . 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1' echo "- Exchange Management Shell Loaded" Connect-ExchangeServer -auto $EMS_loaded = $true echo "- Exchange Management Shell Connected" } ### Functions function dump_mailboxes { $output_file = "d:\temp\mailboxes.csv" echo "Name`tAlias" >$output_file # $mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails SharedMailbox $mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -resultsize Unlimited foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxes) { $Name = $mailbox.Name $Alias = $mailbox.Alias echo "$Name`t$Alias" >>$output_file } } function dump_all_mailbox_permission { $output_file = "d:\temp\mailbox_permissions.csv" $lijst = import-csv -delimiter "`t" d:\temp\mailboxes.csv $aantal = $lijst.count $teller = 0 write-host "Aantal functionele mailboxen: $aantal" echo "Mailbox`tAuthType`tGroup`tSam`tType" >$output_file foreach ($regel in $lijst) { $teller++ $Alias = $regel.alias write-host "$teller / $aantal -> $Alias" mailbox_permissions $Alias >>$output_file } } function mailbox_permissions($mailbox) { if ($perms = get-mailboxpermission -identity "$mailbox" | where {($_.isinherited -eq $false) -and ($_.User -like "$global_ad_short\*")}) { foreach ($perm in $perms) { $usr = $perm.User.tostring() $typeusr = (get-qadobject -identity $usr -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties).type $usr = $usr.replace("$global_ad_short","") $rights = $perm.AccessRights if ($typeusr -eq "group") { $members = get-qadgroupmember -identity "$usr" foreach ($member in $members) { $mbmrsam = $member.samaccountname echo "$mailbox`t$typeusr`t$usr`t$mbmrsam`t$rights" } } else { echo "$mailbox`t$typeusr`t`t$usr`t$rights" } } } } echo "-"
Forgot your domain admin password? Whoops.
On a Win2k8r2 domain controller:
ren utilman.exe utilman.exe.bak
copy cmd.exe utilman.exe
net user Administrator "!mynewpass123"
del utilman.exe
copy utilman.exe.bak utilman.exe
done :-)
Sometimes i tend to forget…
As a best practice on a domain controller, always add (locahost) as a DNS server, just not as the first entry!
Very neat (freeware) piece of software to write an image to multiple usb sticks at the same time.
Note the: /netonly
runas /netonly /user:domainusername “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDES\sms.exe”
PS D:Usersxxx> (get-qaduser "myaccount").memberof.count 46 PS D:Usersxxx> (get-qaduser "myaccount").allmemberof.count 98 PS D:Usersxxx> (get-qaduser "myaccount").nestedmemberof.count 53
According to: http://msdn.microsof … ibrary/ms677943.aspx: “memberOf does not contain the user’s membership in domain local and global groups in other domains.”
Indeed, AllMemberOf shows these groups too (DomainLocal only in my example).
PS D:Usersxxx> $groups = (get-qaduser "myaccount").allmemberof PS D:Usersxxx> foreach ($group in $groups) { (get-qadgroup $group).GroupScope } Global Global Global DomainLocal Global
All those ways to get the size of directories with powershell are extremely slow. Especially on network shares.
$colItems = (Get-ChildItem C:Scripts | Measure-Object -property length -sum) "{0:N2}" -f ($colItems.sum / 1MB) + " MB"
Currently i’m harvesting through roughly 40TB of data and it’s taking me daaaaaaaaaays!
So i’m in desperate need of something faster.
Then i thought about robocopy. Robocopy gives great statistics. So if i do a “dry-run” (list-only, not really copy), i might get the information i need by parsing the output.
Choice of switches:
Then we get this piece of code (it could be a lot shorter, but i’m keeping it readable):
function get_size_of_dir_in_bytes_with_robocopy ($directory) { write-host "- $directory" -foreground "GREEN" [string]$result = robocopy /b /l /mir "$directory" "c:\whatever" /r:0 /w:0 /ns /nc /nfl /ndl /njh /bytes if (!($lastexitcode -eq 16)) { $pos = ($result).indexof("Bytes : ") $start = $pos + 8 $length = $result.length $end = $length - $start $newstring = ($result).substring($start,$end) $newstring = $newstring.trim() echo $newstring.split()[0] } else { echo "CANNOT ACCESS" } }
Because of my work, i come across a very common phenomen: the windows SMB protocol and how it relates to latency on your network. Office documents, even more than other types, seem to be affected.
I found a real nice whitepaper by Microsoft. It also contains a lot of (client side) fixes/suggestions.
Here’s a nice example and probably the main reason for the delay:
Hmm seems like $lastexitcode is a builtin variable. Nice!
robocopy "\\serverA\shareA" "\\serverB\shareB" /MIR /R:0 /W:0 /MT:4 /NP /LOG:"d:\logs\shareA_to_shareB.log" | out-null interpret_robocopy_error $lastexitcode
and the function interpret_robocopy_error could be something quick’n'dirty like this:
function interpret_robocopy_error ([int]$errorlevel) { if ($errorlevel -eq 16) { echo " - Robocopy - ***SERIOUS FATAL ERROR*** "} if ($errorlevel -eq 15) { echo " - Robocopy - OKCOPY + FAIL + MISMATCHES + XTRA "} if ($errorlevel -eq 14) { echo " - Robocopy - FAIL + MISMATCHES + XTRA "} if ($errorlevel -eq 13) { echo " - Robocopy - OKCOPY + FAIL + MISMATCHES "} if ($errorlevel -eq 12) { echo " - Robocopy - FAIL + MISMATCHES "} if ($errorlevel -eq 11) { echo " - Robocopy - OKCOPY + FAIL + XTRA "} if ($errorlevel -eq 10) { echo " - Robocopy - FAIL + XTRA "} if ($errorlevel -eq 9) { echo " - Robocopy - OKCOPY + FAIL "} if ($errorlevel -eq 8) { echo " - Robocopy - FAIL "} if ($errorlevel -eq 7) { echo " - Robocopy - OKCOPY + MISMATCHES + XTRA "} if ($errorlevel -eq 6) { echo " - Robocopy - MISMATCHES + XTRA "} if ($errorlevel -eq 5) { echo " - Robocopy - OKCOPY + MISMATCHES "} if ($errorlevel -eq 4) { echo " - Robocopy - MISMATCHES "} if ($errorlevel -eq 3) { echo " - Robocopy - OKCOPY + XTRA "} if ($errorlevel -eq 2) { echo " - Robocopy - XTRA "} if ($errorlevel -eq 1) { echo " - Robocopy - OKCOPY "} if ($errorlevel -eq 0) { echo " - Robocopy - No Change "} }
Start your Network and Sharing center from the Control Panel
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=mobile_hotspot key=password keyUsage=persistent
In the Network and Sharing center, you’ll notice a new wireless connection, the default name will probably be “Wireless Network Connection 2”. Remember this, you’ll need it in step 2
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Remember, the wifi hotspot will not start by default, so create a shortcut somewhere. Make sure you enable the “Run as administrator” in the shortcut property.
Oops, tested the previous script on a samba server. For some reason, testing the script on a Windows 2008 R2 domain resulted in an exception. So here´s the new script.
Check will output warnings in red to your screen, all the rest of the data will go to the logfile.
For best results, export to a .csv and open in excel. Then sort the first column.
Calling the script:
path_depth_analysis "G:mydirectory" >c:output.csv
The script:
function path_depth_analysis( $path ) { $items = get-childitem $path if (!($items.count) -eq 0) { foreach ($item in $items) { [int]$length_path = $path.length [int]$length_item = $ [int]$total_length = $length_path + $length_item if ($total_length -gt 240) { $item_name = $ write-host "! - $total_length - $path -> $item_name" -foreground RED } [string]$fullname = $item.FullName [string]$type = $item.GetType().Name if ($type -eq "FileInfo") { echo "$total_length;file;$fullname" } else { echo "$total_length;dir;$fullname" path_depth_analysis "$fullname" } } } }
this script doesn’t seem to work correctly in a Windows-Windows environment, please go to test for files or directories exceeding Windows MAX_PATH (v2)
This week i was reading about a customer that needed an analysis of files or directories that were “too long”. As you may or may not know: if the full path to a file exceeds 260 characters, you may be running into troubles, as Windows does not handle that particularly well.
Microsoft’s article on that: http://msdn.microsof … 365247(v=vs.85).aspx
So i was thinking, how hard can that be? Let’s start powershell and write down a couple of lines …..
$maxpath=260 function testmaxpath($source) { $found_yet=0 $items = get-childitem $source -recurse foreach ($item in $items) { $the_full_name = $item.fullname $the_length = [string]$item.fullname.length if ([int]$the_length -ge $maxpath) { write-host "$the_length $the_full_name" -foregroundcolor red $found_yet++ } } echo "-----------------------------------" echo " found $found_yet files/directories" echo "-----------------------------------" }
then just run it against a disk or share, e.g.
testmaxpath e:\data or testmaxpath \\\share_x
That’ll give you a nice overview.
off topic:
if you really want to bug your system administrator, he’ll like this:
mkdir \\server\share\%username%\aaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeffffffffffffffffgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnn subst h: \\server\share\%username%\aaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeffffffffffffffffgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnn mkdir h:\aaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeffffffffffffffffgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnn subst i: h:\aaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeffffffffffffffffgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnn mkdir i:\aaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeffffffffffffffffgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnn subst j: i:\aaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeffffffffffffffffgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
… and copy some files and set some weird acl’s on them.
Guess what will happen when he wants to delete those directories?
Oh boy, those were the days :)
Another great feature of SCCM is deploying operating systems.
Although you can deploy a whole range of Windows versions, i’m going to focus on deploying Windows 7 with SP1 included.
In order to support Windows 7 (with SP1), you’ll going to have to download and install an extra update from microsoft here kb2489044.
Also, there is an extra issue to deal with.
With the update above installed, it would be possible to support and deploy Windows 7 to known systems, meaning systems that are allready member of the domain and registered with sccm.
Since we’re talking about deploying Windows 7, it is very well possible that a brand new system has been unboxed and you want to deploy it right away. So we’re dealing with unkown systems here.
To support unkown systems, we need to have at least update R2 installed for SCCM 2007 SP2. But update R3 is out so we’re going to install R3.
Before installing R3, there’s a prerequisite here: kb977384.
Then download and install: Update R3 for SCCM 2007 SP2.
Build a reference system
The most easy way to deploy an image is to build a reference system first. This means a plain Windows 7 installation with only the essential software installed that you want to have on every pc. A virtual workstation, like one in VMWare, will do just fine.
As you’ll see, after every reboot, Windows will automatically reboot into Audit Mode again.
Create capture media
Capturing the installation of the reference system is done through capture media.
This is basically a Windows PE cd/dvd or usb stick that copies the content of the harddisk to a .wim file on an external disk or network share.
When you think about that, it’s easy to understand that the PE environment needs to have access to the local harddisk and network interface.
And that’s why you have to make sure these drivers are available and that’s why we have copied al the drivers to “\\sccm01\clientdrivers\x86\vmware client\” in the last step above.
Now we have to update the capture media with those drivers.
Capture the image
Import the image in SCCM
Prepare the PXE server
Create the Configmgr package
Specify network access
If we’re going to boot from the network later on, and we need to access the distribution points, we need to authenticate.
Pretty much everything is covered now.
So if we would unbox a new computer, connect all the wires and execute a network boot, this is what we would see:
In red: The WDS (or SCCM) server is not responding.
In green: the mac address of this client.
What we need to do next is create a task somehow to deploy Windows 7 to this computer.
Create a collection
Add the computer (mac address) to the collection
Create a Task Sequence
Modify the task sequence
There is a small “bug” in the default task sequence if you ask me.
If you edit the task sequence, you’ll see that the network configuration is taking place before the device drivers are installed. This should be in reversed order.
With that out of the way there is something with the partitioning to worry about:
If you want you can add custom taks or edit. Just look around, very cool! :-)
Hint: look at the partitioning settings and when formatting the disks, make sure you select quick format. Saves a lot of time!
Assign (advertise) the task sequence to new computers
If you go to the “Deploy Win7 with SP1” collection, doubleclick on the “Win7-001” and go to the advertisements tab, you’ll see that the “Install Windows 7 with SP1 on new systems” is assigned to this computer.
That’s it. Perform a network boot and sit back!
SCCM is capable of managing Software Updates, but it relies on WSUS for that. So you need to have that installed. If you’ve followed this guide, you have.
Whereas for WSUS you need to configure group policies, for SCCM everything runs through the SCCM client so you don’t need to worry about that.
Enable the Software Updates part in SCCM
If you want to change any settings later, expand site database, site management, <your site>, site settings, component configuration and rightclick “Software Update Point Component” and click properties.
Start initial synchronization
Download the System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Toolkit V2 and use Trace32 to tail the logfile “c:\program files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs\wsyncmgr.log” to watch the progress of the synchronization.
Configure the Software Updates Client
Create templates
Now before you can continue, you have to make sure that the software updates are synchronized with Microsoft. Use the Trace32 mentioned above.
Create a search folder and an update list
(with this method you can add extra updates to the list later too)
Deploy the Update list to the template
Now from time to time keep updating your list and drag it to the deployment template. Since you’ve enabled binary differential replication, clients that already have received most of the list, will only transfer the differential.
Best practice is to create a couple of deployment templates, based on the priorities, so for example you can deploy critical updates faster than other updates.